Online Courses & Tools

We offer a variety of online courses and tools that will help corporate professionals, small business owners and creative professionals expand their knowledge, grow their business and improve business processes.

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Process Mapping Series

Engaging in the exercise of reviewing and documenting your company's business processes is the first step in learning exactly how work is being performed, where the opportunities for improvement lie and what bottlenecks and inefficiencies exist. Once identified, steps can be taken to develop solutions and introduce new processes and improvements.

There are several documents that are part of the Process Mapping Series.  Learn More


Analyze Your Sales Data with Excel Pivot Tables

In this class, you’ll learn how to analyze your sales data with Excel pivot tables.  

Though this class is targeted towards creative business owners who sell on Etsy, Amazon or other online marketplaces, it is open to anyone who wants to better understand data in general and learn how to use pivot tables to create different views that will help you answer key strategic questions about your business.

Sign up for this class on Skillshare.


Project management skills for everyday career success

In this online class, you’ll learn the fundamentals of project management.

Project Management is an essential skill for everyone.  Whether you work as a project manager for a large company or run your small business, understanding project management skills will help you to run a tighter, more productive and efficient company.

Sign up for this class on Skillshare.